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I'm going to share my house and I'm going to work


Where can I get myself to you, my dear?

B bawashi be sizi daike dd5 soutaukem
takoo bzan chend, b sie eazarekm

Naser Razazi

I'm going to
sleep in the autumn,
I'm going to see the rain, and I'm
going to leave the house around me. Hansk and Aahi Nakh I
Bargei Khamm Hashg5gart and Hatem Br'o Shark'm
Hatom B'r'o Diari Shangi Kas's and Kar'k'm
B' Bawa'shi B Sizi Dik's Dak's
Tako Bzam How many, how much trouble

Naser Razazi's songs

I'm a press house, I'm a winter farmer,
I'm going to Chauma, I
'm going to have the most fruit and I'm going to show you
how sweet my home is. My Kurdistan Bargai
Khamm Hg5gart and Hatem B'r'o Shar'k'm
Hatom' B'r'o Diari Shangi Ka's' and Kar'e'k'm
B' Bawashi B'ezi Dyke Dak's Souto'k Band
Ta Kou Bzand, Che I'm sick

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